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Streamlined workflows contribute to automated report production, reducing human errors and freeing you to focus on analysis.
Ensure latest data is reported, rapidly assure deliverables, and consistently maintain high standards. 

A revolution in report creation.

Jacobs Flood Modeller files overview
Bring consistency and efficiency to delivery with automated production of common deliverables, including model and simulation logs.  Deliverables are customisable to your needs. 

Automated deliverables 

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Report on model quality tests results and document who made changes, improving the standard of deliverables, saving time and giving clients confidence. 

Quality assurance reporting 

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Readily export data, maps and tables in a range of open formats to include in deliverables and reports, easily integrating with your existing ways of working and reporting templates. 

Elastic compute 

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With Flood Platform you can empower your teams to work smarter, collaborate and optimise their delivery. 

One Platform to unify flood modelling

“I have been using Flood Platform for the last 7 years and it’s become indispensable, enabling me to intuitively manage my model data and rapidly complete many model simulations to ensure I deliver robust analysis.
The report creation tools are a new addition to Flood Platform and add to the automated model checking and quality assurance tools we have been using for many years.” 
Brown-haired brown-eyed woman in glasses
Principal Hydraulic Modeler, UK, Jacobs

Blanca Garcia

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